First, thanks to all who purchased Paladin® shaving brushes in the release earlier this week. And thanks also to those who tried but weren’t able to claim one. We know it can be frustrating. The fact is, however, that it’s probably going to be a while before we manage to catch up to ourselves.
We’ve received several suggestions for adoption in lieu of offering brushes in our online store more-or-less as they are completed and made ready for sale. Recommended alternatives include a lottery system and a waiting list. I wish to give a thoughtful response to those suggestions, along with an explanation of why we chose the route we’ve taken, but I’m going to reserve that for another post. What I’ll say here for now is that as much as we appreciate the concerns that have been expressed, we’re going to stick to our original plan.
We designed and built the Paladin™ shaving site with a clear purpose and long-range vision in mind. What we’re experiencing now are start-up issues and growing pains. We’re sorry prospective customers have to suffer through those with us. But abandoning the course we set for ourselves, even just temporarily as a stop-gap solution, would not be true to our purpose or serve our primary objectives. So please bear with us. Of course, we’re not ever going to begrudge someone for buying a brush from another maker.
So with that out of the way for now, here’s what’s up.
• We plan to offer about 25 more brushes mid-next week. Unless some strays crop up between now and then, this release will exclusively comprise 28 mm Chief™, PK-47™, and Falstaff™ brushes in a variety of materials (but no Ebonite). We’ve decided to try posting photos and corresponding descriptions a day or two in advance so that hopeful buyers who are paying attention can know what’s coming, consult the relevant Knot Notes, and have more time to consider what they might want to go after. I don’t have high confidence that this approach will result in a net decrease in frustration. But what-the-hell, we’ll give it a try.
Stay tuned for further updates. We’ll post notices here, on B&B and TSN (in the appropriate places), and on our Twitter and Facebook pages. I know the temptation might be great for some, but please do not request additional details beyond or in advance of those we make available publicly.
• At the end of this month we’ll be moving a large part of the Dark Holler Design Works shop (including most of the lathes) to space a short distance south of its current location, and another part of the shop (including polishing equipment and the laser cutter/engraver) to Oregon, where Cody will be living with his fiancé, who is a graduate student at Oregon State University in Corvallis. We don’t expect much more than couple weeks of downtime, but some temporary disruption in productivity is inevitable. Prospective brush buyers may take comfort in knowing that we can ill afford much downtime.
• This week we finally put in our first new order for German Ebonite since early last year.
That’s it for now.
Don Lay:
Ken….I recently received my two brushes from your last sale and couldn’t be happier….I do agree that the system you have in place is fair since everyone has an equal chance to participate and own one or more of your beautifully made brushes….keep up the excellent work!
Jun 14, 2016
Nusquam Humanitus:
“So please bear with us. Of course, we’re not ever going to begrudge someone for buying a brush from another maker.”Fair enough, but many individuals have their hearts firmly set on one or many Paladins. Beautiful work.
Like many other brush makers, Paladins originality, craftsmanship and quality is one and of itself.
Jun 11, 2016
Andrew Fox :
Hi Ken
I think the system you have now is fair and I agree with you to keep it. Everybody has an equal chance when you put the brushes up the sale to purchase one.
so you have my vote and support to keep on doing what you’re doing.
Continued success and all the best to you
Andrew Fox
I am really enjoying my butterscotch 26 mm that I just got from you. I’m still looking for that 28mm strawberry Amber
Jun 11, 2016
Steven Toushin:
Thanks for the update, all the best to Cody and his young lady.
Jun 10, 2016
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