Be sure to follow closely as we open up the next chapter of Paladin Shaving. Exciting things to come.

It looks like we're going to aim for 8:00 PM Central on Wedensday, November 16. That would make it 6:00 PM on the West Coast and 9:00 PM on the East Coast. Apologies to all for whom the timing won't be convenient. 

Per plan, there will be about 40 brushes included in this release. That's probably going to be a fairly standard number going forward.

Note that we've dropped the price for soaps and balms to $23 for as long as present supplies last. Consider this an extended (and retroactive) Black Friday sale. We'll refund the difference in price for all purchases made to date. I'll give a more full explanation in a separate post, probably in Broom's Blog.

Cody is working on the photos. We'll put up a preview when they're ready.

Stay tuned. 

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